Railway Management Systems

SIL Certified Signal Lights

Wagon Tracking Systems

Automatic Detection Solutions


SIL3 Certified Signal Lights

It provides services for the production, certification, installation, put into use and maintenance of SIL3-certified signals used in Conventional Railway lines, Urban Tram and Metro lines, and train traffic.


Railway Industry, Smart Technology Products

Wagon Tracking Systems

It offers comfortable, sustainable, safe operation and management services by monitoring the passenger and freight cars in the railways with RFID Tags and GSM-GPS-based devices, scanning wagons including the separate parts such as doors and wheels, and providing location information.

Automatic Detection Solutions Vehicle - Incident

Automatic Detection Solutions It provides the detection of incidents that may occur by monitoring railway lines and tunnels with thermal and motion cameras. It allows the detection of landslides, rockfalls on the line, or the mobility of another vehicle or pedestrian on the railway at railroad crossings and other points.